Monday, February 14, 2011

Girdle And Stockings Training

the subsidized loan Young couples and Requirements

is finally coming to the soft loan for young people, a facility for young couples who must purchase their first home.
The soft loan for young people has a maximum of 200 000 €.

By the end of the month, the Minister Giorgia Meloni, Abi will sign with the Memorandum of Understanding will be prepared and then agreements with various banks.

The soft loan is expected to be received by ten thousand young married couples with children and single-parent families who have borne children.

the requirements to have the soft loan for couples are:

The age 'of both members of the couple must be less than 35 years. The total income
dall'Isee detected (the equivalent economic situation indicator) should not exceed 35 000 €. Also no more 'than 50% of the total amount of taxable income for income tax must be due to an employment contract of indefinite duration.
The couple should not be owned by third parties, except those where the borrower has purchased the property for succession because of death, in communion with another successor, and that they are in use at no charge to parents and siblings.
buying the property to be used as a principal residence does not fall naturally into the categories of land mansions, villas and castles. It must also have an area of \u200b\u200bless than ninety square meters. In granting the guarantee will be given priority 'to cases where the property is located in areas with high density' housing.
Admission to the guarantee fund is only electronically with the dispatch of documentation attesting to these requirements.


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