Friday, February 4, 2011

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L 'OECD announced today that five new countries, including Mauritius, Seychelles and San Marino have not passed the preliminary examination of the Global Forum on tax havens, which assesses the laws and practices of States.
After an initial wave of eight reports In September, the Global Forum on transparency and exchange of 'information for tax purposes, which brings together 94 countries released the results for the ten new Member States. For the first five, the forum established under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) should consider only the legal and regulatory framework.
result: four of them, Barbados, Seychelles, San Marino and Trinidad and Tobago, 'do not meet international standards and to implement the recommendations contained in the report before the next phase of evaluation', the OECD said in a statement . The Forum has observed, however, that San Marino had recently passed a law major, promising to consider them as soon as possible to complete the process of transparency and return to the international rules. Among these five areas, only the channel island of Guernsey has adopted a legal framework satisfactory. Five others were evaluated according to the laws and also for the effective implementation of international standards. Among these, the Mauritius, which have gaps in their legal framework, such as information on the accounts of some offshore companies, are the assessments, the Global Forum. Similarly, the practice of reception some rules to show Mauritius that there is room for improvement, particularly as regards access to bank information for tax administration.


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